Tuesday, May 28, 2013

12 week things

The rare belly laugh that brings tears to my eyes. 

Daily conversations in baby language. 

Sleeping 5 or more consecutive hours during the night. 

Operation nap not on mom has commenced and we have had some success. 

On to 3 month clothes. 

Morning smiles. Afternoon smiles. Night smiles. 

Recognizing mama. 

12 weeks of pure joy. I love you baby girl.


Mama and baby jade 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

babies and schedules

Today we (jade) woke up at 5:37AM.  This is a little bit earlier then the usual 7AM morning party, but I can't complain because she puts us to bed promptly at 8PM.  So, 9 1/2 hours isn't bad. I've heard I am supposed to instill a schedule for naps and nursing and so on, but she has managed to create her own schedule.  I've just followed her lead with a routine that she sort of just fell into. I feed her on demand, which some days is every hour and others it is every 3 hours.  She naps 30-90 minutes 3-4 times a day.  She is a growing, healthy, and happy baby so I don't really feel the need to force any changes.  It's working for us and I feel grateful for that.  I kind of expected to be up all night with a crying baby, but knockonwood, that hasn't happened yet. 

Our only challenge so far is that she has decided the bottle is not for her.  (She wants to be just like her big cousin Quinn!)  After trying 6 different bottles over the course of the past eight weeks, I am coming to terms that Jade is a boob girl and we will be attached until she decides we are done breast feeding, or we reach her first birthday, whichever comes first.  I am ok with this.  I know it is only short term.  One thing I am learning about being a mom and watching my baby grow is that NOTHING lasts very long.  Nothing.  Each day comes and goes so fast.   I keep getting excited for the next milestone and then need to tell myself to stop and enjoy where we are at.  



P.S.  It is now 7AM and Jade has fallen back asleep...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

grow baby grow...but not too fast

Jade is now 2 months old.  I had all these wonderful intentions to take beautiful "month" pictures and then do some pinterest-worthy artwork with them.  I'm just not that talented and where do those people find the time?  I'm lucky I showered today.  Here are some photos I have taken of our little monkey during her first 9 weeks.



Sunday, May 5, 2013

our birth story

Jade has been here a whole 2 months and I am finally getting to share our birth story.  Arriving 2 weeks early on March 5, Jaden MaryJane Howell was born at 1:09pm, 6lbs. 15oz, 19 inches long, and with a head of dark hair.  Labor lasted 13 hours and after pushing for over 3 hours, Jade was vacuum assisted due to being stuck and face up.  We spent a quick 24 hours in the hospital and were happy to get home and love our new baby girl.

Our birth story was captured by a wonderful photographer, Catie.


the howells