Wednesday, January 30, 2013


From what I read, pregnancy being 9 months is a big fat lie.  Apparently 40 weeks really adds up to more than 9 months, WHAT?!  Either way, I don't really know if we are in our 7th month or 8th month, so I am just focusing on approximately 7 weeks to go.  (and keeping my fingers crossed for like 6 weeks to go)

I spent some time in Jade's room this past weekend.  It was really nice and peaceful.  Our glider arrived, which was the push I needed to go through the pile of clothes that our friends and family have so generously given us thus far.  I plan to wash everything before she arrives, but for now I just separated and folded it.  Here is what I found:

- she needs something to sleep in as a newborn
- i don't know the difference between a sleeper and some other sleeper-like clothing
- she doesn't have any pants until she is 9 months

We are going to choose a crib soon, which gets me excited about buying bedding.  Then, I realized that bedding=sheet.  I've read mixed opinions on the crib bumper...something about suffocating.  I don't want to suffocate my baby, but a crib with just a sheet sounds boring and bare.  I am also wondering if all crib mattresses are the same size?  Or can we get Jade a nice Cal King crib mattress?

My mind has been racing lately, so much so that I feel a bit frozen.  I feel like we have a list of things to do that out-number the days left before she arrives.  I feel really excited, but then I also get waves of...sadness?  It's really confusing, but I hope it passes soon.  There is no reason to feel anything but pure joy right now, amiright?  Is this nesting?


Cravings include fruits, but other than that nothing sounds appetizing.  Recently Jade has begun punching me in the stomach as I try and that's fun.  Oh, and I am really really thirsty all the time.  It's barely 9:30AM and I've already downed 3.5 bottles of water.


I took Jaden for a swim last weekend and it was lovely.  I felt 27 lbs. lighter with less tension and pulling and stretching.   I've been sticking to yoga once a week with some light walking most days.  I'm hoping all this meditation and breathing I am practicing won't go out the window when that day comes. 


I am so tired and exhausted all the time that it's frustrating.  I fall asleep instantly at night, but then my bladder or the cat or the heat or the baby or the youfillintheblank wakes me up.  My nights are usually 8 hours of interupted sleep, so I feel drowsy by 10AM.  I am not a very good napper, also, that's kind of frowned upon at work.



Saturday, January 26, 2013

wrapping up week 32

it's going fast people.  so fast that i've nearly missed week 32.  i've planned to take photos, write a blog, and update our chalkboard all week, but with my 7pm bedtime, the days got away from me.  i'm so tired.  i know all you moms out there are mumbling "you don't know tired" and i believe you!  i am torn between my exhaustion just from trying to take a full breath and my sudden feeling of wehavesomuchtodo and iwanttotakeavacationandgetoutanddosomethingbeforeiamresponsiblefortakingcareofanotherhumanbeing.  Ya know?  it's almost february and during the shortest month of the year i have 4 baby showers to attend, including our own (yay!), 6 baby classes, and i guess get ready for Jade to arrive.  as exciting as all these events are, when will i sleep?  when will i nest?  when will we go on a babymoon?  why do we wait until the final months before we feel ready to face reality of the baby coming?  we have nine months, but yet we wait until the end when we are fat and tired.

since our schedule is filled with so many baby-things for the next month, i have recently started to feel...weird.  i can't exactly find the right word, but the first things that comes to mind are stuck or antsy.  i want to get out and do something.  i have no idea what that something is, but i want to do it.  i can see why a babymoon is encouraged.  the reality that in 7 short weeks i won't have as much freedom as i currently do is setting in and i need to run around and get some of this energy (that is only in my head) out.

enough about me, let's talk baby.  we got to see our little bean via 4d ultrasound last weekend.  she looks like...a baby.  family said she has my lips, but i'm most excited by all the hair on her head.  i think she gets that from her dad.  i believe at this point she is going to gain about a 1/2 a pound a week.  i'm up 27 pounds, so i am guessing we are about to have a growth spurt.  this will make putting on my shoes even more of an adventure every morning.

new this week- my engagement ring doesn't fit and my wedding band is rather snug.  yoga is helping to keep my body limber, while ace wishes i could walk faster when i take him out.  eating is becoming more of a challenge.  besides the heart burn, there is just no room for food.  i eat slow and fill up fast.  still not into meat, but love fruits like strawberries and oranges.

i gave my notice at work this week.  i am going to take off 3 weeks before our official due date.  this time will be for me. period.  just me.

 jaden maryjane howell @ 31 weeks with feet crossed in front of her face
 jaden maryjane howell @ 31 weeks
jaden maryjane howell @ 31 weeks
jaden maryjane howell @ 31 weeks

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

week 31

nine more weeks to go.  that's like two months.  

belly is big.  this baby is trying to suffocate me.

right now i love yoga, deep breaths, and strawberries.

i want to buy baby things.  

 ace peeking past jade



Monday, January 7, 2013

ten more weeks!

Up until this point I've been counting up, 10 weeks, 20 weeks, and so on.  Now that we have reached thirty weeks, I find myself counting down.  Baby Jade will hopefully be here in March, which could be 8 weeks or it could be 11 weeks, only she will decide when her birthday will be.

details, fun facts, and photos


My weight is still 133lbs.  Although I feel like we are having a growth spurt.  My belly feels full and tight.  Most days I find it difficult to breathe.  I think she is crushing some very important breathing organs.  Last week at work 2 co-workers kindly pointed out how "big" I'm getting.  And how I am starting to look "bloated".   I know these words are not meant in a negative way, rather as encouragement like "hey, look at you!  you're pregnant and growing.  keep up the good work!"

heart burn, heart burn, heart burn.  no room for my food.  period.


I've been keeping up a light routine of pilates and walking.  Some days feels great and others I am just too exhausted.  We did an 8 mile hike a week ago and I felt amazing the whole way.   Afterwards, I felt like I was having a heart attack for days.  Not being able to do everything I used to has been the biggest challenge for me throughout my pregnancy.  I am naturally a high energy person who truly enjoys exercise.  Maybe some people can continue their routine through their pregnancy, but I found I had to drastically change my workouts.   The good news is, I sweat all the time, even when I am not working out.  That's just the pregnancy glow, right?


As if. 

I think the nesting thing is starting to kick in.  I haven't really acted on much, but I think about it on the weekends.  I think I am ready to start buying things and making a space for our baby.  We have the room pretty well furnished from items we already had.  There is no theme, rather it's colorful and inviting.  The furniture will be brown and white.  I found this fun rug with colorful circles throughout.  We chose a peaceful grey glider and my mom has crocheted striped and circled blankets to add some pop.  The finishing touch will be a white crib, peaceful warm bedding, and some of our wedding doilies framed on the wall.  I have imagined a calming baby space that Jade will sleep long long nights in.  A girl can dream, right?

ace is insisting i do more yoga

happy monday,
