Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Jaden turned one this month.  March 5 at 1:09 pm to be exact.  She grew from a teeny tiny 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 19 inches to a teeny tiny 16 pounds, 29 inches. She is nearly walking and babbles quite a bit.  Lots of pointing going on and then shakes her head no as we go through the options of what she desires.  Her smile brightens our day.  She keeps us laughing and reminds us to just be present each day.  I never regret leaving the dishes or laundry until tomorrow to lay down with her for a nap.  I never miss 'being productive' because I spent time reading the same book six times.

If I could give my new mom self any advice it would be: everything moves fast so live in the moment.  do what feels right to you and not what other people feel is right.  hug your baby and hold them when they reach out their little arms instead of folding laundry or making the bed or even sometimes peeing.  just be.

we love you baby girl.

mamamamama & DA DA