Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Christmas

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday filled with family and love.  Ours was perfect.  Jade was even spoiled with a few gifts and she isn't even here yet!  However, apparently it looks like she will be here soon because when Geoff and I went to IHOP for breakfast the other day, the hostess said "table for 3?"  It was sweet of this nice lady to assume our baby was going to pop out and be ready for some pancakes at any moment. 

Ok, so I took this week off to relax and DO NOTHING. Enjoy some family photos while I go take a nap.

 Quinn celebrating her first Christmas.

Howell Family


Thank you for celebrating Christmas with us in our new home.

ricki, geoff, ace, and kaluah

Sunday, December 23, 2012

27 weeks and 28 years

I feel like the older I get the more excited I get about birthdays.  I am enjoying getting older and living more life.  Each year seems to get better and better.  Maybe this will change later in life, but right now it's exciting and I can hardly wait to see what the next year will bring.  Twenty Seven was good to me.  I'm feeling that twenty eight will be pretty awesome too.  I feel like I am exactly where I should be.  I feel full of happiness and contentment.

In other exciting news, we have entered our 3rd trimester. Wow, did that sneak up fast!

details, fun facts, and photos

My new weight is 133lbs.  I know the baby still needs to gain more weight, so I am prepared for this number to quickly rise.  I am starting to feel uncomfortable at times.  I feel stretching and tightness in my belly all the time. Laying down relieves pressure on my body, but then I have trouble breathing and my heart races.  I've been able to start being active again, so that feels good.  It's all new feelings and sensations that I am learning to love tolerate.
My appetite is still out of whack.  I get full really fast.  Somedays I'm just too tired to eat every meal. I try and keep a balanced diet as best I can, but I know I could be doing better.  No major cravings that have lasted.  Mostly I'll just have a flash desire for strawberries or chocolate milk.  Once I get it, it's gone. 
Doctor had told me to take it easy for a couple of weeks.  Hearing that I couldn't exercise made me really sad, but I know it was for the best.  I rested.  But now I'm back!  Pilates, walking/hiking, and prenatal yoga are on my exercise wish list. 
I'm sorry, what?  I'm SO tired.  I fall asleep so quickly, but little Jade has decided that she is going to be like her daddy and be a night owl.   Little miss does jumping jacks all night.  Trying to find a comfortable position in my tangle of pillows that isn't too hot or too cold is...oh so fun.  As soon as I find that sweet spot, I have to pee.  Or least I think I have to pee.  I never really know until I try.  Mamas, you know what I'm talking about!

Jaden is very active and healthy.  We can't wait to meet her.  I feel good.  I feel excited.  I feel supported by friends and family and my wonderful husband.   

The third trimester has come just in time for my urge to go shopping for baby goods!

 We thought Jade would really want an 80inch tv.



Saturday, December 15, 2012

dressember weekly part 2

i wore TWO dresses this week.  one day it was even raining.

(dress: Banana Republic)

(dress: Armani Exchange)

(not a dress, but look what we got!!)



Friday, December 14, 2012

thoughts on remodeling a brand new home

my thoughts are...

we are crazy.

We are so excited to have a finished home, again.  We know that our upgrades will be worth it and are what we want.  The process is just  Our house is covered in dust and dirt.  There has been a 20 foot hole in the back of our house for 3 weeks.  I know we live in "sunny" San Diego, but it's getting cold!  The constant breeze through our home is getting old.  I come home from work and go straight to our bedroom.  Our bedroom is clean and serene.  I can pretend like the disaster downstairs doesn't exist.

We are crossing our fingers for a finished home by Christmas.  Does that seem possible?


howell fam

Sunday, December 2, 2012

dressember weekly

December is here!  I know you are all excited for what December brings. I know I am.  My birthday.  Oh, and I guess Christmas too.

This month also brings Dressember: a dress everyday of the month.  I learned about Dressember from my dear friend Vicki, who is super creative when it comes to fashion.  You should follow her and see all the fun dress outfits she puts together.  Since this Dressember I'm dressing for 2, I've decided to participate in Dressember weekly.  I spent some time in my closet looking at my many many many dresses.  Then, I got brave and decided to try some on.  Well, let's just say that anything with a zipper isn't happening.  This leaves me just a few maxi dresses and a couple cotton summery ones.  Getting dressed every morning with a limited wardrobe has been challenging for me, so I fear if I limit it even more to just dresses, that I might have a meltdown.  (l get really hot in my closet trying to get dressed.)  But I want to play!  I will wear a dress at least once a week.  I know this isn't as exciting for all you Dressember members, but I will be following you on your daily dress journey and will be with you in spirit...and one day a week.

Happy December and Dressember friends!

