Sunday, May 24, 2015

Howell Highlights

Some quick Howell Highlights since it's been ages since I've even thought about this blog follow here:
  1. Jade turned 2.  We spent a couple of days at Disneyland and celebrated with a fun family party.  Lessons learned in taking a toddler to Disneyland= do not wake them up early or ever.  The bribe of chocolate and meeting princesses didn't even do the trick.
  2. We are growing a baby sister as we speak!  We are half way through this journey and we all couldn't be more excited to expand our family.  Jaden keeps telling me she wants to hold it.  She also has reminded me that baby sisser is not in her belly.
    1. Baby names are so difficult!
  3. Jade is learning her last name, but I think she is going to be disappointed when she finds out it is not OWL.
    1. she also counts to 10 (sometimes an 11 and 13 pop in there) and sings her ABCs
  4. We should be picking up our Sportsmobile (google it) soon, so get ready for lots of camping trip updates!  We plan to explore the West Coast over the next few years.
  5. It rained in San Diego like 3 times this year.
Jade turns 2!

 Kisses for Grandpa Howell
 Bibi and Jaden
Mother's Day in Temecula

 A mama with her boys and her boys with their girls.
 Flying big high as she says
Best family photo we could get