Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

christmas photos

I took some photos of Jaden this weekend so that I could order her first birthday party invites.   As I was going through the photos, I realized I took some around Christmas that I never shared.  




Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year

Seeing as I cannot remember my resolutions from last year, I cannot say whether I reached my goal(s) or not.  I checked this blog, but it appears that I didn't write any down either.  So here it goes for 2014:

1.  Take a weekly family photo.
to have more than just photos of Jade.  mom and dad exist too!
2.  Run more.
be less squishy.  more tone-y.
3. Judge less.
myself. others.  

Things to do in 2014:

1.  Celebrate Jaden's first year of life and our success in keeping her alive and happy!

2.  Celebrate my best friend marrying her love.

3.  Travel. To places. 

4.  More swimming.  More camping.  More dates.  

5.  Keep nursing my nursling. 

6.  Turn 30.

 ^^ this counts as a family photo, right?^^

 ^^ a family that swings together, stays together?^^

