Monday, October 14, 2013


I am going on day 3 of wearing PRE-pregnancy pants.  Different pants.  Not the same pants for three days.  And not stretchy pants!  This is really exciting to me, as I only have 2.5 LBS to go.  My body is different though.  My hips are w  i  d  e  r, my belly is softer, and my poor poor boobies are showing the effects of being tugged, pulled, filled, and emptied on a daily basis. I want to embrace my new curves and love this new body, but I still miss my old one. 

What I do love about my mama body is that it is keeping an adorable 7 month old baby girl alive.  It nourishes her day and night.  It soothes her teething pain, it fills her belly, it puts her to sleep, it gives her energy to learn new things.  Jade and I have been breastfeeding for 7 months and I am still pretty obsessed with it.  We nurse in the morning and then cuddle all night so that we can make up for the time lost while I am at work all day.  This is not how I thought things would be before she was born, but I wouldn't change a thing.  I used to think I wanted to nurse for just a year.  And now I often joke that Jade will nurse until it's time for college.  (seriously, JOKING.)  But truthfully, I think we will go until it no longer works for us.  I have no timeframe.  Being a new mom, I doubt every decision I have had to make so far.  However, I remind myself often to just do what works for our family.  We are happy and healthy.  I coulnd't ask for more.

When Jade is not nursing, she is enjoying all sorts of new flavors and textures.  Her favorite snack at the moment is a cool cucumber.  We have been exploring different foods.  In the event you wish to have her over for dinner, note that she does not like green beans.  Avocado, carrots, butternut squash, pumpkin, blueberries, mangos, peaches, prunes, and pears are what she prefers.  It has been so fun watching her learn to eat. 

Major milestones include TWO teeth, sitting up un-assisted, and a one-time army crawl into my lap.  I am excited for mobility, but happy for it to come slowly.  She needs to ease me into this baby-grows-up thing. 


the howells