Friday, September 28, 2012

Our Special Guest

Today we have a special treat for you.  We have our first guest post by Quinn from Quinn's Quips.  Quinn's blog is full of colorful pictures and entertaining journal entries of her thoughts and wisdom.  You should definitely check her out because she is probably the youngest blogger I've ever met!  The floor is yours Miss Quinny.  Aunt Ricki and Uncle Geoff love you!


          Hello to all my cyber friends and loyal follwers of Howell Highlights! Let me introduce myself.  My name is Quinnlyn Jane Howell, Quinny for short. . .  the adorable niece of Geoff and Ricki Howell.  I am the direct descendent of Geoff’s brother, Bryan, the Dad!  I am almost 8 months old, an Aquarius, and I have a slight addiction to Monkey’s.  When Geoff and Ricki first asked me to guest blog on their website I was flattered and speechless, but that was awhile ago, and now I have lots to say…. 

          First of all I would like to discuss the exciting news that I am going to have a cousin!!!  I am flabbergasted and more than ready to have someone more my size to play with.   I'm not really sure how this whole baby thing works, but I overheard the Mom saying something about March.  I also overheard them talking about a fun party we are going to this Friday where we will find out what gender my new BFF will be.  Dad keeps saying girl, Mom thinks boy and me......I don’t really care either way.  I’m just excited at the opportunity to have a partner in crime to teach fun things to.  Like how to drink water out of the doggy bowl, where to find the good puffs, how to continuously kick off your pants as the Rents are trying to put them on, what the best angles are to put the TV remote in your mouth, how to tell when your parents have JUST fallen asleep and the best way to wake them, and most important, my theory on crying at key times to get what you want.

          Once my new friend is here, I am hoping to have many play dates.  Its’ quite exciting to be able to share this wonderful world with somebody my age and I have so much to share!  The amazing world of Baby Einstein, what its like to bounce all around in those floating chairs, quasi-walking in your mobile walking device, and even splashing around in the bath! 
          My bestie, Bodie, is good friends with Ace.  Now Ace is an awesome friend, and between him and Bodie, I always have somebody watching over me, giving me kisses, and cleaning up after me while I eat.  So I have some advice for Ace.  You can always snuggle with me, just don’t roll too hard!  Clean your jowls because you KNOW we will pull on those.  And for Gods sake don’t breathe on us!!!  STINKY!!!  I am a lady  :D

          Well Internet friends, I believe I have reached the limit of my attention span.  I see a fun little plastic kitty I need to go chew on.  I can’t wait to meet my new friend, and show them everything I have learned so far.  I got these Rents licked!  Any takers in my betting pool?  Visit and place your bets!!!  Don’t worry, Uncle Geoff taught me how to skim off the top, so we are all winners!!!

Till next time. . .

1 comment:

  1. Quinn - you are the coolest second cousin's cousin I know!
