Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5 more weeks= week 35

This was an exciting week.  I was showered at work by my wonderful co-workers and showered at home by our friends and family.  We are so fortunate to be surrounded by amazing and supportive people.

We also had a doctor appointment this week, which included an ultrasound.  Here are the stats:

Jade weighs about 6 pounds and we are 80% effaced.  All good signs for an on-time early delivery!  I want her to be healthy and ready to come, but I won't be sad if she decides to exit the building around week 38.

Good news is that I only gained 1 pound in between my appointments!

Still there isn't much room for food.  Breakfast is the only meal I am actually hungry for.  The rest of the day is a toss up.  I'm trying to keep a balances diet, but sometimes eating 2 pounds of strawberries is the only thing that satisfies me. 

I am trying to stay active, but it hurts.  Walking hurts, sitting hurts, breathing hurts.  I think I'm just going to meditate and visualize from now on.  I do plan to walk around the block a few times next week during the full moon though.

I feel heavy, which makes rolling around in bed difficult.  Most people can toss and turn without actually waking up, but it is such a process to roll from one side to the other that I am wide awake before I complete the shift.  Also, I've been having cramping and back pain and tightness in my belly on and off the past few days.  Maybe braxton-hicks?


howell family

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