Tuesday, October 30, 2012

twenty down, twenty to go

We are now officially half way through this pregnancy.  Baby girl should be the size of a banana, but our last ultrasound (19 weeks) revealed that she weighs 11oz and is in the 77 percentile for size.  She is currently measuring about 4-5 days early, which I don't think means much because she will come when she is good and ready!
details, fun facts, and photos
Some days I am up 10 pounds, while others it is 12 pounds, so let's go with a nice 11 pounds gained since baby girl sprouted.  When I wear my maternity pants I feel sexy and confident (who knew!?), but if I dare try and squeeze my old jeans on, it's, it's, it's sad.  Even leggings can be too tight and uncomfortable if they don't have the perfect size waist band that sits in the perfect location to cover my a** crack, but sit low under my belly. 
It has been really freeing letting myself eat what I am in the mood for...like smoothies and milkshakes.  I eat a lot of fruit, cereal, bagels, and pasta.  Since being pregnant, eating meat has been a challenge.  It just doesn't sound appealing at all.  I've been making sure to get protein from other sources and I will eat meat whenever the moment arises that it doesn't make me want to gag.  I'm trying to eat a balanced diet, but but but mac and cheese just sounds so good...mmm.
Oh I get hot, but not usually when I am working out.  I've been doing Pilates 2x a week and trying to get out to walk the neighborhood when I can.  The pain in my butt (LITERALLY) that shoots down my legs makes it difficult to bend over or walk.  My workouts have certainly changed, but I plan to stay active for as long as I can.  However, sometimes if I have an hour, a nap just sounds better. 
I could use more naps and more rest.  I fall asleep early and quickly, but then I toss and turn trying to get comfortable.  I have surrounded myself with pillows, but they require such specific placement that throughout the night it just becomes a mess of me and pillows.  My back, my hips, my belly all get in the way of a peaceful night.  This is why it is mid morning and I am already straining to keep my eyes open.

There has been a lot of movement.  A few jabs here and there with a couple of somersaults thrown in.  While the doctor was listen to her heartbeat this week it went like this "whoosh whoosh whoosh BAM whoosh whoosh BAM!"

Excited for the next 20 weeks.




  1. Classic!
    I love to hear about your sleeping habits. . .cause jenne was just as bad. Remember when we were kids and we built pillow forts? Thats what our bed turned in to. And I was always outside the fort. I couldn't get in cause it was too well fortified. Glad to hear Im not the only one !!

  2. You look so beautiful!! I laughed as I was reading this because that's exactly how pregnancy goes!! I felt amazing in my maternity clothes as well, all the curves are totally acceptable right now :) Sounds like you have some sciatic pain, yuck. Enjoy the next 20 weeks!!
